Semco - A 'Maverick' Organization
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB060
Case Length : 10 Pages
Period : 1953-2004
Pub Date : 2004
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Semco
Industry : Diversified Countries : Brazil
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Please note:
This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Organizational Structure
Semler started out with a functional organizational structure
at Semco. Under this structure, decision-making took a long time and each
department took independent decisions that sometimes were not in the interests
of other departments. Then, the company shifted to a matrix structure. But,
unhappy with its effectiveness, Semler changed the structure of the organization
once again...
Organizational Culture
The replication of business units into smaller units as and when the need arose
created units small enough to operate with a commonly shared set of values,
philosophy and culture. The organization was bound together by the three
interdependent core values: Employee Participation, Profit Sharing and Free Flow
of Information. These three values stemmed from the belief that participation in
design and implementation of work procedures would give employees control over
their work; profit sharing would bring in a sense of ownership; and the
availability of information as and when needed would help the employees
understand to improve their work practices continuously...
Leadership and Change Management
Semler can be credited with sustaining the radical changes at Semco.
He nurtured changes that might have been viewed as taking away his
power and authority. He created an empowered environment where
employees could innovate continuously. An idea he generated would
later permeate to the whole workforce.
For example, after seeing a company order file cabinets worth
$50,000, which were meant only to keep documents which were hardly
ever referred to, Semler said that every person in the company should clear
his own file cabinets of documents which were never referred to and keep
only those that were necessary. This soon became a biannual exercise at
Semco... |
Making News
The Semco way of running an organization is slowly but steadily being accepted
as a very effective method of business management. The BBC series
'Re-engineering the Business,' included Semco while focusing on the five most
successful management structures across the globe. CIO magazine selected Semco
(the only Latin American company in its list) among the most successfully
re-engineered companies in the world. Fortune magazine referred to Semco as a
"lab for creative management."...
Exhibit I: Annual Revenue of Semco SA
Exhibit II: The Semco SA Structure
Exhibit III: Compensation Options at Semco SA